Chabad to Celebrate Hanukkah at Home Depot

Chabad Center will be partnering with The Home Depot to offer a pre- Hanukkah Menorah Workshop at 229 Hartford Ave, Bellingham, on December 18 from 2-3:30 p.m.
Participants will receive a worker’s hat and then craft their own unique menorah from wood and a host of other supplies available at The Home Depot. There will be opportunity to meet ‘Judah Macabee’, Chanukah cookies and a host of other surprises. Parents accompany their children and there is no charge for attending.
Jessica Cohen from Franklin who is looking forward to attending the event commented, "I want my kids to grow up with pride in their Jewish heritage and a feeling of equality and self-confident as an American. Chabad’s Chanukah Menorahs are arguably one of the most important developments ever to help my child’s education. I wish they had this where I grew up.”
Throughout Chanukah (December 24th through January 1st, Chabad will be presenting scores of Chanukah events and celebrations, including public Glow in the Dark menorah lightings at the Franklin Town Common on December 26th at 5:30pm and on December 27th at the Holliston Town Hall. Chabad’s first ever “NY Kosher Deli” will make its grand opening on December 25th followed by a giant Menorah lighting. For more information about Chanukah and a schedule of events visit