Town’s Budgeting Process Begins

Issue Date: 
January, 2017
Article Body: 

The town’s public budget process will be in full swing starting in January, according to an email from the town manager. The Finance Committee will hold a televised budget hearing on January 10 to discuss some of the larger departmental budgets and capital budget. This will be the first time that FinCom has televised these meetings. “We hope it will help people better understand our budget process,” Michael Herbert, town manager, said.
“I have also started meeting with residents in neighborhoods throughout town during the evening hours,” Herbert said. “This gives me the opportunity to hear directly from residents about what works and doesn’t work in town, and things they would like to see more of. It is informal, and leads to good discussion about a number of topics. My goal is to do these monthly.” If you would like to host a meeting in your neighborhood, contact Herbert at