National Honor Society Raises Money for HomeBase

Issue Date: 
January, 2017
Article Body: 

The Ashland High School (AHS) National Honor Society (NHS) raised over $4,000 for HomeBase Veteran and Family Care. These funds were collected through bakes sales at Ashland Day and Parent’s Night, flag sales, lollipop sales, at the Thanksgiving football game and a gift-wrapping event at Barnes and Noble. HomeBase is a program that provides treatment and support to veterans and 9/11 first responders suffering from the “invisible wounds of war,” such as PTSD. It is sponsored by the Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital.
The NHS Talent Show is scheduled for Friday, March 10. Save the date and join us to see our singers, dancers, and amazing musicians and help us reach our goal of raising $5,000 for HomeBase.