Ashland Lions

Issue Date: 
January, 2017
Article Body: 

Students Participate in First Level Lions Club Speech Competition
The 2016 Massachusetts Lions Local Club Speech Competition, sponsored by the Greater Ashland Lions Club and the Ashland Lions Club, was held on Saturday, December 10 at the Ashland Community Center. Two students, both Ashland High School juniors participated. Maria Pereira was selected the winner and will represent the Greater Ashland Lions Club; Samantha Schultz was selected 1st runner-up and will represent the Ashland Lions Club. Both students will participate in the next level of the competition, scheduled for Saturday, January 14, 10 a.m., at the Ashland Library.
The Lions speech competition begins at the club level and progresses through zone, region, district and, ultimately, statewide. The competition is open to all students, grades 9 through 12, including public, charter, private, foreign exchange, home-schooled and independent study students.
The 2016 competition theme was “Being Politically Correct: Is It Taken Too Far?” Each speech lasted no less than 5 minutes and no longer than 8 minutes. The judges for the contest were Craig Davis, Jack Patrick Lewis and Joseph Magnani; the tellers were Rob Scherer and Marcia Wiles; Alexis Christopher served as the timekeeper. The speeches were judged on the following criteria: delivery, effectiveness and text.
Lions Thank
AHS Football Team
The Ashland Lions Club would like to thank the members of the Ashland High School (AHS) football team for volunteering their time to support and assist us in making this year’s Christmas tree fundraiser such a success. They stepped up and provided outstanding support to their community.