Thank You from the Medway Lions

Issue Date: 
February, 2017
Article Body: 

History repeated itself in Medway, as the Medway Lions Club once again sold out of Christmas trees and wreaths, thanks to the hundreds of customers who supported the annual Christmas Trees and Wreaths sale which benefits community activities and needs, Lions Eye Research and various Lions charities.
Over 1,000 Balsam and Fraser fir trees were delivered the day after Thanksgiving from a tree farm in northern Maine. With the able-bodied assistance of the Medway hockey team players, the trees were unloaded and stacked. Trees were also placed in stands for customers to view standing.
Lions’ members, as well as “friends of Lions,” volunteers and Peer Counselors, manned the trailer and tree lot through mid December, and were available to answer questions, assist in providing a fresh cut to the trunk and trimming branches, as well as wrapping the trees, and helping to put/tie the trees either on top of or in vehicles or special deliveries.
The Medway Lions appreciates the local support and especially those who dropped off donations, coffee, hot chocolate, cookies, donuts and other goodies. It is a great event for numerous good causes.