Since the 2016-2017 school year began, the Hopedale Junior-Senior High School Art Room has been abuzz with activity nearly every day after school. Students and faculty alike can be seen forming bowls on the pottery wheels or painting clay creations with glaze at the nearby tables. All of this hard work is being completed to prepare for the upcoming Empty Bowls Fundraiser.
Empty Bowls is a nationwide initiative to raise money for local food pantries. This year the Art Club, led by the school’s Art Teacher, Laura Welch, is aiming to raise $1,000 for the food pantries around the Hopedale community. The Empty Bowls initiative works by selling the hand-made ceramic bowls formed by the Hopedale students and staff at a community-wide ice cream social fundraiser event and then donating the proceeds to the local food pantries. Hundreds of beautiful bowls have been created in anticipation for this event by students and faculty of all ages.
The Empty Bowls Fundraiser will be held on Thursday, March 30th from 6 to 8 PM in the Hopedale Junior-Senior High School cafeteria. It is open to all members of the community. Tickets to attend the event are 10 dollars each and may be purchased ahead of time from Laura Welch or may be bought at the event. The ticket cost includes one ice cream sundae and a chosen bowl to bring home. Additionally there will be face painting and a silent auction at the event for community members to participate in.
Issue Date:
March, 2017
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