Millis Police Updates

By J.D. O’Gara
Issue Date: 
March, 2017
Article Body: 

The month of January saw 19 arrests, says Chief Soffayer, and meanwhile the Millis Police Department is busy working and training in a new record system.
“We’re going full speed here,” says Soffayer. “We’ve started our in-service training for all the officers, and we’re in the process of speaking with Alex Lent, director of the Millis Public Library, in terms of lining up our monthly informational meetings.
One of the first monthly topics will feature Detective Tiberi, who is also connected to the DEA Strikeforce. “He has a lot of knowledge in terms of the drug epidemic,” says Chief Soffayer.
In addition, Chief Soffayer is working with Millis Fire Department’s Chief Rick Barrett in putting together a Narcan/CPR training.
The Millis Police Department has also held two meetings at Millis Public Schools to inform them about police and fire safety plans in the case of a critical incident or hazard at the school.
“We want to convey to them that the plans are in place and what protocol will be followed,” says Soffayer. Both classes were well attended, and were held after parent Erin LeBlanc reached out.
“I feel strongly that just as our children should understand procedure regarding fire and bus safety, it is equally important that our children are well versed in violent intruder safety procedures,” says LeBlanc, who was pleased that the police department was able to answer questions.
Finally, the Millis Police have begun a Breakfast with Legion Veterans, every second Thursday of the month, with members of American Legion Post 208.