A Story That Can Bring Four and Two-Legged Residents Together!

by Marcia Motta
Issue Date: 
March, 2017
Article Body: 

A most unfortunate incident occurred in the local community in regards to an animal. On January 16, a sweet kitten named Louie was stolen from the Bay State Animal Cooperative Adoption Center (BSAC), located within Norwood Petco. Thanks to persistent efforts by the organization through social media, local law enforcement and an award offering, Louie was safely recovered, has been adopted to a local home and is doing great! The thief will be charged.
In 2013, at the same location, Leonardo, a kitten, disappeared. At that time, the Bay State Animal Cooperative (BSAC), reached out to the Petco store where the kitten was housed to review the surveillance cameras. The organization was sadly told that the video cameras, assumed to be live, were not working. The search for Leonardo was initiated by BSAC, however, without the necessary photos, the search did not result in the recovery of this poor animal and his whereabouts are still unknown. Since this theft, BSAC purchase and installed their own cameras, which was key in identifying Louis' alleged culprit.
The latest incident has subsequently led to the closing of this very well-known adoption center. Though it is truly for the best that the animals supported by BSAC were subsequently removed from this environment, the issue of animal safety within pet stores should be addressed and of concern to all animal lovers.
Any animal rescue group would agree that a place to call “home” is the ultimate resource to help animals in need. The repercussions of this most recent misfortune has resulted in the Norwood-based Bay State Animal Cooperative’s need for a new “furrrever home”. The Bay State Animal Cooperative is known for its assistance with the “hard-to-adopt” felines which open admission organizations do not commonly welcome. Practicing a 100% no-kill philosophy means that BSAC cares for any cat they take in until the appropriate home is found. This requires faithful, dedicated and long-term foster care from valued volunteers and in some cases, endless dollars to care for these felines. A central location can provide these resources where foster care cannot. This single resource would greatly expand the ability to help animals and their owners or caretakers. As a cooperative entity, BSAC would have the ability to share this resource with other groups.
As with other foster care rescue organizations, public exposure, financial donations and volunteer commitment are the backbone of their ability to assist animals in so many ways! These organizations realize that without these very important factors, the programs they offer become limited. In turn, this means the ability to rescue the cats in need, the families in need and provide community education and outreach programs are stifled.
Bay State Animal Cooperative currently engages students from several area schools, seniors, Girl Scouts and families with the care and socialization of their wonderful rescue cats. These opportunities cannot be provided in the same fashion without a central place to operate. The BSAC would consider themselves not just an animal rescue group but an educational organization by providing people with the ability to care for and learn about animals while in turn helping these animals hands-on. However, due to the actions of Petco, this group has had to cancel many of these opportunities for the community. Currently, their foster homes are full with more “difficult” to adopt felines, (those with medical conditions, old age or socialization challenges). Current TNR efforts (trap-neuter-return of free-roaming cats), emergency rescue and surrender efforts are in jeopardy.
This valuable local “jewel in the rough,” needs a place to call home and they are reaching out to the community. Learn the organization's ambitious goals and the many hopes they wish to offer if granted the privilege of establishing a new furrrever home. Check our GoFundMe site: www.gofundme.com/BSACFurrreverHome
The BSAC is seeking a central location where volunteers, the community and ANIMALS can come together and share many educational and social opportunities. The goal is to buy a house or obtain an equivalent space that can offer separate rooms for the many different types of animal in need. Land to place a modular building would work too.
Wouldn’t it be cool to sit and have a cup of coffee in a room with cats roaming free? Or read your favorite book, practice your acoustic guitar, study for an exam, or meet with friends, all while helping rescued cats wait for their forever home, become less fearful of humans or feel the warmth of a human. Yes, Ernie Boch Jr., we said, “practice your acoustic guitar” possibly in the Boch Animal Rescue and Community Center, doesn’t that sound appealing?
Please share the Go Fund Me link over and over (www.gofundme.com/BSACFurrreverHome), seek people you think might have the funds to assist this great venture, facility naming rights will be available, and feel free to contact the Bay State Animal Cooperative at info@baystateanimals.org. Ask any questions you may have, offer your services or learn more about what BSAC wishes to offer to the community.
Animals and people in a safe, well-operated central space makes sense! Who wouldn’t agree that in the Norwood area the people want to provide great opportunities for ALL its residents (including their animals). Just look at the desire for a regional ice rink, local walking trails, a better pool facility, a dog park and more recreation space. The goals of BSAC fall directly into this mindset and they need your support to move forward and make this come to fruition. Town officials take notice and think how you can assistance. Offer your help today to this great organization’s goal for the four and two-legged community members.
BSAC is a recognized 501(c)-3 rescue organization. Donations to the Furrrever home fund can be sent directly to: BSAC, Inc., Furrrever Home Fund, 47 Windsor Rd., Norwood, Ma. 02062 (no administration fees are lost if donations are sent directly to the corporate address).