Ashland Is United

By Concerned Residints
Issue Date: 
April, 2017
Article Body: 

The recent appearance of swastikas at Ashland High School and Ashland Middle School has shocked many and saddened us all. The leadership of the Ashland Public Schools has been unwavering in its commitment to address such issues and educating students and staff about how to build even more inclusive schools. Our entire Ashland community, however, must do its part as well.
We, the undersigned members of the greater Ashland community, know that in our current culture the swastika has become a potent symbol of hate. For Jews the swastika often triggers fear and trauma passed down from one generation to another. For all of us, it is a reminder of the atrocities of the Holocaust and the dangers of blaming one group for the problems we face.
And more globally, while the swastika is specifically an anti-Semitic symbol, we are concerned about any and all actions or words that communicate to any group that they are not welcome or accepted as full members of our community. An attack on any group—religious, racial, ethnic, or otherwise—is an attack on us all.
Ashland is made up of a diverse group of residents of different backgrounds, religions, cultures, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, sentiments, and life experiences. Though we are different, ASHLAND IS UNITED. It is a place where all are welcome and equal. Tolerance is not good enough. For us it is all about Unity in Diversity.
We know that our strength comes from our unity and our interconnectedness. We know when we stand together against hate and intolerance that everyone in our community is safer. We know that we must work actively to make sure that everyone in our community knows what is acceptable and what is not.
We pledge to work together in Ashland and beyond to promote an inclusive and respectful community. We believe in the inherent value of all and we will take direct actions to actively foster the physical, mental and emotional well-being of all members of our community.
As concerned Ashland residents and leaders, we hereby affirm that:
We are a caring and supportive community where all are WELCOME and equal.
We will STAND UP as allies for our fellow residents should we witness words or acts of intolerance.
We will MODEL acceptance and kindness for our children.
We will commit to LEARN more about those with traditions or backgrounds different than our own.
For a list of concerned Ashland residents and to add your name in unity and support, visit