Developing Ashland’s Economy

By Beth Reynolds, Economic Development Director
Issue Date: 
April, 2017
Article Body: 

This past January marked my one-year anniversary as Ashland’s Economic Development Director, and it has been a busy year! Our business community is thriving, and I think business owners are feeling more connected than ever. We have seen several new businesses move in and have retained those that chose Ashland for their home. I thank Ashland residents for their continued support of our businesses. Please continue to think and shop local for all your needs; it makes a difference.
We now have a number of resources available for businesses and the community: a business directory on the town website listing all Ashland businesses, contact information and category; a community calendar on the town website to strengthen community outreach; and a guide for new businesses and/or developers to help in planning.
We also have implemented several formal activities to bring businesses together for networking with other business owners and town government officials: ribbon cuttings, in cooperation with the Ashland Business Association, to welcome new businesses to town and monthly business Meet and Greets.
This past year, Ashland received Bronze status as a Bio Ready Community from the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council and we rolled out The Corner Spot initiative, which raised over $38,000, exceeding the goal of $25,000 that MassDevelopment will match. The Corner Spot is slated to open June through October with pop-up businesses and a park for residents to enjoy.
What’s In Store for 2017.
I am planning for continued commercial growth, greater regional and local collaboration, and strengthening of our wonderful community. I am excited to see our community enjoy The Corner Spot at 6 Cherry St., and can’t wait to see what businesses pop up there in June! I will be working hard to create events that focus on connecting businesses with the community. I hope to see changes in downtown Ashland as we continue with our plans for its revitalization. Working with businesses directly to help them connect with each other as well as attracting new business to our friendly community is of the utmost importance.
My door is always open; I welcome new ideas, feedback and of course new business! Contact me at or 508-532-7905.