A Long Overdue Improvement

by Donna Lane
Issue Date: 
April, 2017
Article Body: 

The original Hawes pool bathhouse in South Norwood was built in 1960 by the Norwood Department of Public Works using cement blocks. It had basic showers and toilets but nothing else. The old bathhouse has been called deplorable, a dump, and an embarrassment for the many townspeople who use the pool.

According to Jerry Miller, Director of the Norwood Recreation Department, it was “woefully inadequate and did not address the privacy, safety and sanitary issues that often come up during swim season.”
Brought to Town Meeting’s attention by Miller every year for the past ten years, he is thankful that they finally acknowledged and acted on the need. Miller stated the new bathhouse will not only address privacy, safety and sanitary issues, but will also reflect positively on the site.
“First impressions are really important,” Miller said.
Francis Hopcroft, Chairman of the Permanent Building Construction Committee (PBCC), said that the costs to repair versus replace the bathhouse were analyzed by an outside consultant and it was determined that it would cost less to replace the building than try to repair the old one.
Town Meeting approved the project in May, 2015. Originally estimated at $800,000, the budget was increased to $1.2 million to more accurately reflect project costs necessary to comply with today’s plumbing codes.
“The objectives for the new bathhouse were the efficient and safe use of the facility for staff and the public, while providing a facility that was aesthetically pleasing.” Hopcroft said.
Stephen Kelleher Architects won the bid for the project based on their experience designing bathhouses for state parks. The PBCC worked with the architect to ensure that the new facility could be built within budget and would be very easy to maintain.
“We reduced the building’s footprint and substituted materials where feasible to obtain our objectives,” Hopcroft said.
Construction of the new bathhouse began September 15, 2016. The projected schedule of completion was March, 2017. However, weather issues encountered while pouring the concrete and Conservation Commission concerns regarding runoff to Hawes Brook that required countermeasures for erosion and runoff control have slowed progress.
“The expected completion of the building is now May 1,” Hopcroft said. “So even with the delays, it will be available for use this swimming season.”
This is welcoming news to the thousands of swimmers who use the pool each season.
The new facility is half-again the size of the old bathhouse. It has a lifeguard area, an office, first aid room, a locker room, and men’s and women’s bathrooms that each include five toilets, three sinks and three showers. An exterior unisex bathroom is also part of the facility. This exterior bathroom is expected to be open during the spring and fall as well.
Donna Lane is a Norwood-based writer, lecturer and designer. You can reach her at addictedgardener@verizon.net.