Most Likely to Succeed, Directed by acclaimed documentarian Greg Whiteley

Most Likely to Succeed, Directed by acclaimed documentarian Greg Whiteley, 7-9 p.m., Holliston High School Auditorium, 370 Hollis Street, Holliston, the film has been an official selection of two dozen of the world’s top film festivals, including Sundance, Tribeca, and AFI DOCS. It’s been featured at leading conferences on education, including ASU/GSV, SxSWedu, Harvard/GoldmanSachs, and NewSchools Venture Fund. Audience members call it the most compelling film ever done on the topic of school. In the past year, more than 2,300 communities have booked a screening of Most Likely to Succeed. Please visit for more information about the film and movement. The film is 89 minutes long. A panel discussion will take place after the film. Panelists are Mrs. Karla Garvin, HPS Montessori Director, Ms. Dominique Ross, HHS Guidance Department Leader, and Dr. Brad Jackson, HPS Superintendent. This is a parent/community education event. Interested students are also welcome!
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm