Executive Director of Visitors Bureau to Speak at Medway Business Council

Issue Date: 
May, 2017
Article Body: 

On Wednesday, May 17, Susan Nicholl, Executive Director of MetroWest Visitors Bureau. will speak at the Medway Business Council (MBC) annual dinner meeting.  MBC events are open to all area business representatives and other interested community members. You don’t have to be an MBC member to register and attend.
Ms. Nicholl will share information about the Visitors Bureau and the resources/services it offers, as well as other resources/services for business owners to promote themselves. In addition, she will reveal some little-known facts and historical tidbits about the region and talk about unexpected business gems of the region that have a surprisingly large economic impact on all of us.  
The meeting will be held at Prezo Grille & Bar located at 229 ½ E. Main Street, Milford, MA 01757 from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

The event will begin with networking and appetizers, followed by a short business meeting, dinner and guest speaker Ms. Nicholl.  Dinner choices are seafood risotto, chicken fontina, or 12 oz. sirloin, which you can select when registering. Registration fee for the event is $40 members and non-members. Register and reserve your spot online at www.medwaybusinesscouncil.org by May 10.