Ashland Town Meeting and Elections

By Cynthia Whitty
Issue Date: 
May, 2017
Article Body: 

Ashland’s annual Town Meeting will be held at 7 p.m., Wednesday, May 3, in the Ashland High School (AHS) Auditorium, 65 East Union St. If town meeting extends to a second night, it will be held on Monday, May 8. Some of the articles to be voted on include the Riverwalk Trail Enhancement Project, funding to connect to the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority (MWRA), dissolving the Ashland Redevelopment Authority, setting new speed limits and extending the temporary moratorium bylaw on recreational marijuana by six months to align with the Commonwealth’s newly-adopted regulations for 2018. To review the town meeting warrant in advance of the meeting, visit
Elections for town boards and commissions will be held on Tuesday, May 16, at the AHS. For more information on elections, visit, or contact the Town Clerk’s office at 508-881-0100, ext. 7127 or by email,