Holliston in Bloom will be at a new location at the Spring Festival this year on Saturday, May 20th. Our booth will be located on the Green in front of the Congregational Church instead of at Blair Square. Our popular and talented Fabulous Fairy Face painters will be returning to our booth to help raise money for our plantings. Please stop by!
Holliston in Bloom is proud to be the hosts of the 2017 National America in Bloom Symposium. The National Symposium will be held in New England for the first time from October 4-6, 2017. All convention attendees and national judges will be coming to Holliston for a walking tour on Saturday, October 6. Attendees will be guided to several stops where historical information will be given as well as how the town has been able to make improvements based on America in Bloom criteria. The “tour guides” will be dressed in period costumes. Our floral display showpiece for the walking tour will be the Big Border on Washington Street at the Congregational Church Green. In addition to the hydrangeas planned for the entire 353’ length of the border behind the fence, we are planning bold, long-lasting swaths of color in front of the fence that will (hopefully) last into October. Additionally, our friends at Outpost Farm will plant extra pumpkins for us to use as decorations during the walking tour.
Please look for planting dates this spring on Holliston Reporter and on Facebook! HIB is self-funded and does not receive money from the town. Your generous tax-deductible donations are appreciated! Donate via PayPal on our website www.hollistoninbloom.org or follow us on Facebook. Unlike other communities who compete in America in Bloom, we are all volunteers. We need your help to make the Symposium a success! Can you help? (Volunteer sign-up can be done on our website as well.)
Issue Date:
May, 2017
Article Body: