Ashland Farmers Market: What Will Season 6 Bring?

By Cynthia Whitty
Young AFM fans enjoy the on-site Outlast Block Set. Special events and quality vendors bring visitors back week after week. (Photo/courtesy of AFM)
Issue Date: 
June, 2017
Article Body: 

Ashland Farmers Market (AFM) will open Season 6 on Saturday, June 10, on the grassy area across from the library. Each season, AFM has offered special events, live music, quality vendors, and new initiatives, which keep visitors coming back week after week.
This season, three AFM favorites are expanding their offerings. Julie’s Z Breads will serve Belgian waffles, fried zucchini bread, and a special breakfast muffin all heated on a grill; Dulce D Leche will offer smoothies together with their full-flavored gelatos and sorbettos, many lactose-free; and Long Life Farm will have a double tent, offering sauerkraut, kimchi, tomatillo salsa and foraged autumn olive berry jam, in addition to their organic vegetables and fruit.
New Vendors
Cuban food comes to the Ashland Farmers Market! With La Empanada Food Truck, Robert Cuesta will bring empanadas, rice bowls and authentic Cuban sandwiches.
Crust Artisan Bakeshop of Worcester will offer house-made artisan breads and baked goods. Their croissants, cookies, pastries and crusty breads were a big hit at the AFM’s February market.
Ken and Gina’s Amazing Organic Ice Cream will join the opening day market with ice cream made from milk and cream coming from a local dairy farm. As they explained, “Straight up farm to table.”
For those who prefer grain-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, paleo, vegetarian or vegan options, there is Chrissy’s Crumble’s Wicked Good NO-GRAIN-OLA crispy snacks. Chrissy debuted at the AFM February market to great success.
Two sisters raised on Polish food dug out their grandfather’s handwritten recipes to offer AFM traditional, handmade pierogi. Jaju Pierogi brings the Polish dumplings with delectable fillings, such as kielbasa and red pepper, sweet potato and caramelized onion, apple and sage and potato and cheese.
Samira’s Homemade has hummus, baba gannoush, muhammara dip, stuffed grape leaves, tabouli and pita bread.
Youla of You Love Bakery will bring Greek Cypriot desserts and savories such as baklava, spanakopita and tzatziki.
Coastal Vineyards, producer of small batch wines from grapes grown on their own 10 acres, and 1634 Meadery, a small artisan style honey-wine maker, will alternate days in the wine tent with Aaronap Cellars.
Season Kick-off Events
June 10, Opening Day: Railroad House Band will perform at the Arts! Ashland Alliance Music Stage, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The Friends of the Ashland Library will be at the Community Table, and a Read Aloud program will be at the Kid’s Corner, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
June 17, Green Living: Learn ways to be kinder to our planet. Enjoy the Celtic music of Whiskey in the Jar at the Music Stage, 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. Free bike helmets for children while supplies last, courtesy of law firm Breakstone, White and Gluck. Cat Crow creates a recycled craft activity at the Kid’s Corner, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
June 24, Strawberry Festival: Visitors will be treated to the fleeting flavor of ripe, locally grown strawberries: strawberry bread, strawberry mousse, smoked strawberry chutney, strawberry and chevre ravioli or just plain freshly picked strawberries! Samali Perera-Charvet introduces a strawberry craft at the Kid’s Corner, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Farmer Justin Brown brings his goats, bunnies, and chickens, too. Brookline A Capella performs at the Music Stage, 10:30 to 12:30 p.m.
July 1, July 4th BBQ: The Carve celebrates with breakfast and BBQ lunch. Enjoy Cindy Lane Adams performing Country Western at the Music Stage, 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. Orthodontist Dr. Pardo creates toothbrushing fun at the Kids Corner, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Shoppers can get $20 worth of free food every week thanks to AFM’s $20 SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) match. In addition, this year, AFM will participate in the new Massachusetts Healthy Incentives Program (H.I.P.), which will further extend SNAP benefits.
AFM is held every Saturday, June 10 through October 7. There is ample parking on Front Street, in the adjacent municipal lot, and nearby at town hall on Main Street and Mindess School on Concord Street. To sign up for eNewsletters of weekly events, artisans, specials and more, visit