Norwood has a new and improved look, their Town website that is! Recently, the Town of Norwood website ( was upgraded and the result is a much more efficient, easy to maneuver information page! The site is streamlined and locating specific information, departments, or events is now much easier and residents' questions can be answered quickly and proficiently.
The website is divided into categories, such as Departments, Government, Residents, Business, and FAQ. The Departments menu deals with all aspects of Norwood municipalities; in Government, all information regarding Norwood's financials, Town Meeting and the Town Manager's office; Residents handles all consumer interests, including community events; and Business is reserved for tax, development and permitting. Under FAQ (How Do I), residents will find answers to many commonly asked questions.
The ease of use, however, does not stop there. Residents can swiftly and virtually effortlessly find Town-related topics by category without searching throughout the entire site. In the middle of the page, there are five frequently searched icons to speed up the process: Agenda & Minutes, Licenses & Permits, Document Center, Employment Opportunities, and On-line Bill Payments.
Common links are also listed in the left hand side that will promptly take visitors to Town services, such as Animal Control, the Morrill Memorial Library, Public Works, Norwood Light Broadband, and many more. Looking for the latest news? There is also an area in the middle of the site for reports and upcoming events.
For residents who want to attend or watch Town meetings, click on the calendar and discover what assemblies are happening today, tomorrow or even next month.
It is now one-stop shopping to gather information on town government, schools, municipal services, the senior center, Norwood Light/Broadband, recreation, police and fire, employment opportunities, and so much more. Visit today and scour the site. There is so much to learn about this special town called Norwood and all it has to offer its residents.

Issue Date:
June, 2017
Article Body: