Ashland’s Monthly Recycle Program

Issue Date: 
July, 2017
Article Body: 

The next drop-off recycle day at the Ashland DPW will be on Saturday, July 1st, 9am-12 noon. We will be accepting used motor oil, fluorescent light bulbs & CFLs, contained mercury, re-chargeable batteries and oil-base paints. The DPW is located at 20 Ponderosa Rd. in Ashland. ** The collection takes place behind the RED salt shed…...not in the DPW garage, office or in the middle of the parking lot. **
NEW RECYCLING CARTS: All Town of Ashland residents that are enrolled in the town’s curbside rubbish & recycling program will be receiving a wheeled recycling cart to replace all other recycling bins/containers, at the curb.
The carts will be delivered to each enrolled household between Monday, 7/10/2017 & Saturday, 7/15/2017. Please contact Dave at the DPW at or 508-532-7943, if you haven’t received your cart by Monday, 7/17/2017
All household recycling must be contained within the carts. No other recycling containers/bins will be accepted at curbside.
NO PLASTIC BAGS or PLASTIC WRAP. Please do not bag your recycling
The carts are for recycling ONLY. All trash is still required to be within the orange “Town of Ashland” trash bags.
Carts should be set no further than 3 feet from the road’s edge and the arrows on the lid of the container should be facing the street.
Carts are property of the Town of Ashland. They are assigned serial numbers that correspond to each residential address and should not be removed from the address that they are assigned to.
Residents may personalize carts with a sticker or decal, to more easily identify them. DO NOT mark-up carts with paint or markers.
For repairs to cart wheels or lids, call Waste Management at 800-972-4545.
There’s a handy and very informative guide molded right into the lid of every cart which instructs what should and should not be placed into the cart for recycling.
Many residents will want to keep their old blue recycling bins for other uses around the house. For residents that choose to dispose of their unwanted blue recycling bins, DO NOT leave them at curbside for removal. Residents that choose to dispose of their unwanted blue bins, may bring them to the DPW (20 Ponderosa Road) to be recycled from Monday, 7/17/2017 through Saturday, 7/29/2017. There will be a dumpster on-site during this period for the blue bins to be deposited into.
Recycling will continue to be picked up on a weekly basis, with your trash. If you don’t fill your cart every week…wheel it out to the curb every other week.

ENJOY the new covered, wheeled recycling carts! They are surprisingly easy to maneuver and eliminate the need to carry multiple bins to the curbside, they prevent recyclables from becoming wet on rainy/snowy days and best of all they will keep recycling from blowing throughout town on windy days.

FY17 ANNUAL RUBBISH & RECYCLING CHART is mailed in June to every Town of Ashland household. The information contained in this mailing changes from fiscal year to fiscal year and should replace the previous fiscal year’s chart once you receive it in the mail. The “2017/2018 Recycling Chart” covers FY18 (from 7/1/2017 thru 6/30/2018). These charts are also viewable on-line at located in the “Document Center” within the “Public Works – Rubbish & Recycling” folder.

ILLEGAL DUMPING AT THE DPW YARD: Please refrain from illegally dumping any waste at the facility during non-collection days. The DPW yard is located in a heavily wooded watershed area right next door to the Ashland Animal Shelter and any items that are left while the facility is unattended by staff is subject to ingestion by area wildlife and spillage having obvious negative effects on the environment….which only defeats the purpose of the collection facility. It’s understandable that some individuals have to work on Saturdays and that you may not be available to drop off your waste motor oil and paints during the scheduled collections. However, making other arrangements like asking a neighbor to drop off your waste when they drop their waste off at the facility or returning it to the store where you bought your oil from is a much better option than just leaving it on the ground and open to the elements. It would be very unfortunate if our collection facility were to be permanently closed down if it were to be viewed as an environmental hazard by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.

RUBBISH AND RECYCLING IS DUE AT THE CURB NO LATER THAN 7AM ON THE MORNING OF YOUR SCHEDULED TRASH DAY. If your rubbish/recycling is not out when the drivers pass your house while picking up the rubbish/recycling on your side of the street, it will not be picked-up until the following week’s rubbish removal day. In the interest of keeping its employees safe, Waste Management does not allow its drivers to cross streets on their route.

LATEX PAINT DISPOSAL: Latex paint is not a hazardous material and can be disposed of with regular trash. To properly dispose of latex paint, please follow these steps: 1.) Remove the cover from the paint can and deposit it in your orange trash bag. 2.) Allow the paint in the can to dry-out (add “Quick-Dri”, clean kitty litter, shredded paper, etc. to speed up the drying process). 3.) Place the cans of dried paint next to your trash bags….not in the bags….so the Waste Management driver can make sure that the paint is dry. DONE!
If you have any questions with regards to rubbish/recycling removal or any of the special collections and drop-offs, please contact Dave at 508-532-7943 or e-mail at