Camp Bailout to Hold Summer Program July 10-14

Issue Date: 
July, 2017
Article Body: 

In coalition with the Ashland Fire Department and the Ashland Board of Selectmen, Camp Bailout Summer Program will be held, for the seventh consecutive year, July 10-14, 2017.
Camp Bailout is a week long program designed to educate young women on firefighting and emergency service skills, in a dynamic and fun environment. The week long curriculum is interactive and physically challenging, where the girls will gain strength and knowledge while building confidence and leadership skills.
During the week, the girls will be taught basic skills in: Rappelling from the training tower; motor vehicle extrication with the Jaws of Life; search and rescue; CPR Certification; live fire extinguishment and much, much more.
Campers should possess a positive attitude, be in good physical conditioning and be prepared to have fun!
Camp Creator and Director, Lieutenant Lyn Moraghan will be looking forward to receiving applications, which can be downloaded from our website
About Camp Bailout:
Fire Service women of Metro-West are dedicated to the advancement of education, professionalism and leadership to young women, from 14 to 19, in the Fire and Emergency Services.
The primary mission is to encourage young women to become more involved in the Fire and EMS services, either as a career or volunteer.  The curriculum is designed to provide young women a safe, dynamic  interactive and physically challenging environment to gain strength and knowledge while building confidence and leadership skills.
Every year, young women are invited to join this FREE program to explore their options in this wonderful and rewarding profession.