Alumni Award $80,000 in Scholarships

By Lori Koller
Issue Date: 
July, 2017
Article Body: 

The Hopedale High School Alumni Association presented $50,000 in college scholarships at the Class of 2017 graduation ceremony held on June 3rd, along with $30,000 in scholarships to Class of 2016 graduates who are now in their first year of college. Vice President Karen Mazzarelli, who presented the 2017 awards, said the Alumni manage scholarships provided by families, reunion classes, donations, and from the estate of Glendon and Dorothy (Dutcher) Horne. “We are very happy that through the generosity of so many we can help bright and promising Hopedale students reach their academic goals,” she said. The following is the list of scholarships.
The Albert C. Sayles Scholarship in the amount of $400 to a student with an interest in Mathematics and who shows leadership on and off the athletic field was presented to Bryan Goldstein.
The Dianne Barron Scholarship in the amount of $500 to a student pursuing a career in Business was presented to Dennis Madigan.
The Henry L. Cyr Scholarship for Patriotism and Service to their school, community and to our Nation in the amount of $500 was presented to Alexis Oosterman.
The Samara Hagopian Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $500 to a student who will pursue a career in the arts, fine arts, or industrial design was presented to Austin Firth.
The Sandy Lovejoy Class of 1963 Scholarship in the amount of $500 to a student pursuing a career in Nursing was presented to Mackensie Orchard.
The Shoghere Markarian Scholarship in the amount of $500 to a student who has been active in band or chorus and who will attend a college of Music or minor in Music was presented to Juliet Maglitta.
The Hopedale High School Class of 1976 Scholarship in the amount of $500 to a student whose effort to succeed academically and whose service to others bring credit to their school and community was presented to Kenneth Piercesaw.
The Regina Stare Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to a student who plans to pursue a degree in education and is involved in community service and extracurricular activities related to helping others was presented to Julia Holt.
The Patrick Keaney Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 presented to a student, with a financial need, who plans to pursue a career in law enforcement or criminal justice was presented to Lydia Grassey.
The Hopedale High School Class of 1967 50th Anniversary Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 for academic achievement, service and leadership was presented to Patrick Seaver.
The Paul Gibbs Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 for academic achievement, character and service to others was presented to Bryan Goldstein.
The Hopedale High School Class of 1966 Scholarship, in memory of deceased class members, in the amount of $1,200 for leadership, service, character, and academic achievement was presented to Kylee Black.
Alumni Association Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each for academic achievement, leadership and service were presented to Julia Alberto, Gerard Crepeau, Emily Gatewood,
Matthew Kapatoes, and Owen Mulroney.
The Alumni Lucy Day Scholarship in the amount of $2,000 for academics, leadership and service was presented to Cassidy Rodrigues.
Glendon and Dorothy Horne Memorial Scholarships in the amount of $3,000 for academic excellence, leadership and service were presented to Mitchell Siefring and Courtney Smith.
Glendon and Dorothy Horne Memorial Scholarships for academic excellence, leadership and significant personal achievement in the amount of $5,000 each were awarded to Roland Arcand, Catherine Clement, Christian DeBoer, Lauren Kelly, Alyssa Pool, and John Waswill.
Alumni Association scholarship committee member Janet Ellis added that $3,000 Horne Memorial Scholarships were presented to Class of 2016 graduates Jennifer Chiarello, Sarah Clement, Katie Commerford, Jillian Hopkins, Tanner Kracinovich, Brianna Leporati, Nicholas Spinelli, Nicole Spinelli, Mariella Testa, and Victoria Van Zile. Mrs. Ellis noted that the Alumni Association will celebrate its 130th Anniversary with a dinner in Milford on October 7th. Information is available on the group’s website