Senior Firefighter Retires From Department

by Renee Plant, Contributing Writer
Issue Date: 
July, 2017
Article Body: 

The Norwood Fire Department has said farewell to Senior Firefighter Phil Morrison, who recently retired after 34 years of service to the town.
Born and raised in Norwood, Morrison has been a popular figure both in the community and among his peers in the department, according to Fire Chief Anthony Greeley.
“He is a very funny, kind and genuine guy,” Chief Greeley said. “He’s a family man. To add, he has been a personal friend of mine for more than 30 years.”
A lifelong Norwood resident, Morrison raised his own family in the town, where he was very involved in community sports. In particular, Morrison enjoyed youth football and hockey.
“He has done a lot in the community,” Chief Greeley said. “He was a youth hockey coach, and was also involved in the booster club.”
Morrison’s youthful spirit also carried over to the department. Though very serious about his work, Greeley said Morrison kept the mood very light at the station. His talents, ChiefGreeley explained, exceeded beyond putting out fires.
“He was actually our resident artist - a caricature guy,” Chief Greeley said. “If one of the guys did something funny, silly or made a harmless error, he would chronicle it through that venue. It was actually a sign of honor and respect if you became a subject.”
However, when needed, he could always be counted on to get down to business. Chief Greeley said Morrison was always a “go-to guy” due to his ability to remain composed during difficult situations.
“He was one of our top engineers and best drivers,” Chief Greeley said. “The fire apparatuses are very heavy and difficult to drive, but he never missed a beat.”
His work ethic and friendly personality are what made him a valuable asset to the department, and though he will be missed, Chief Greeley said the department wishes nothing but the best for Morrison during this next chapter of life.
“It is bittersweet, but he has done his time,” Chief Greeley said. “It’s time for him to move on, but I will miss him. The department will miss him.”
In retirement, Morrison joins his brother, former Norwood firefighter William Morrison, who also spent more than 30 years on the department.