Find Out What’s in Choate with the Medway Fishing Club

Issue Date: 
August, 2017
Article Body: 

The newest club at Medway High School is quite a catch, literally. The Medway Fishing Club was created this past year by MHS class of 2017 students Jake Rozak and Colin Johnston. With the help MHS Wellness teacher Karl Infanger the club started meeting in the summer of last year.
“I have been approached by students over the years to form a club centered around the sport of fishing. But, I needed students with the drive and passion for the sport to bring it to fruition Colin and Jake have been integral to our success this first year.”
“We both love to fish and having a club centered around something we love to do was something Jake and I talked about a few times”. Said Colin Johnston. “I think we were at Choate fishing and Mr. Infanger was there with his kids, so we ran it by him and 1 year later, here we are.” Said Jake Rozak.
The club meets monthly to discuss fishing techniques and to plan outings. You can follow the club as well as join in the fun on the Facebook page run by them (Medway Community Fishing) With almost 200 active members who post fishing photos and stories of the one that got away.
The mission of the club is to promote the sport of fishing in Medway and help everyone catch a fish. The club accomplishes this goal by hosting outings at Choate park open to the public of all ages.
“We provide the bait , the rod, and some guidance to help anyone catch a fish. Many families bring their children and pass on this great sport to the next generation” said Karl Infanger.
The last outing of the year was part of Medway Day on July 15th in which the club hosted its first Fishing Derby. The derby was a tremendous success and will now be part of even annually. This year’s derby was won by Sean Weddeke of Medway with a 2.62 lb 14.2 inch large mouth Bass and runner up Brenden Curley (Pictured here.)
The next event is town wide and is called “What’s in Choate?”
“People always ask me is there fish in there or what can you catch in Choate?” said Karl Infanger. The goal of this event is to track what is caught in Choate during the month of Aug. Judging by the winner of the derby the answers may surprise you! People can either post the catches on Facebook or e-mail them to