Update to Solid Waste & Recycling Service Changes in FY18

Charge Eliminated for Extra Recycling Carts
Issue Date: 
August, 2017
Article Body: 

On Monday, June 26th the Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to eliminate the recently announced charge of $50 for extra recycling carts for the Fiscal Year 2018 that began in July. The Selectmen, after receiving input from Residents and asking Town officials to revisit the proposed contract with Waste Management, concluded that the projected contract cost versus amounts budgeted for the year would be sufficient to offset the cost of the limited number of extra carts in town.
The Board will revisit the topic next Spring to determine if it continues to be financially feasible to suspend the fee. The Board of Selectmen applauded the efforts of DPS and Town officials in this effort, and again ask and urge residents to please maximize the use of the Recycling Carts curbside as well as the Recycling Center as we help to reduce Solid Waste disposal costs. Finally, if any resident determines that their second cart is not needed, please contact our DPS office, and we will gladly pick that up for you.