Creativity Abounds at Local Libraries

By Jane Lebak
“Blind Date with a Book” at the Millis Library and a new photography club at the Medway Library are just some of the innovative programs planned for the fall.
Issue Date: 
September, 2017
Article Body: 

Creativity has found its home at the libraries in both Millis and Medway! This summer, Medway has brought in activities to keep the local kids active, and in September will begin a new program for photographers. Meanwhile, Millis dabbles in the art of the blind date.
Millis’s “Blind Date With A Book” program is the brainchild of the Library Director, Alex Lent. On a display table in front of the circulation desk are a dozen books, each one gift-wrapped in plain brown paper and marked with a genre or category.
Library patrons who want a surprise can select a book based on only a single descriptor, nothing visible except the size of the book and its bar-code peeking out for scanning at checkout. Then, at home, the patron can unwrap their selection and be surprised by one of the hand-curated books.
Librarian Esther Davis maintains the display, individually selecting lesser-known literary gems from the library’s stacks, oftentimes unknown books by famous authors. Afterward, patrons come to her to talk about their experiences. “We’ve had some blind date success stories,” Davis says.
The blind date books move off the display quickly, and Davis plans to keep the blind dates going for as long as there’s interest.
Meanwhile, Medway looked toward the younger set and brought in the Tumblebus, a school bus specially outfitted with padding and gymnastic equipment for children.
Children go into the Tumblebus to climb and tumble under supervision by certified professionals. There is a balance beam, a zip line, spring board, rock wall, and more.
The tumblers have great fun. “I wish I were a little smaller,” said Margaret Perkins, Medway’s Library Director.
Also coming up in September, Medway Librarian Lorie Brownell will hold the first meeting of the brand new photography club. The first meeting is on September 28th, with meetings to be held on the last Thursday of each month.
“We can share where we like to take pictures,” says Brownell, “and what pictures we like to take.” Open to every level, from amateur to professional, the photography club will be a place to share tips and techniques, and over time they may begin monthly challenges for the members.
“We’ll see how it evolves from there,” says Brownell.
For more information about the photography club, contact Lorie Brownell at To be set up on a blind date with the next book you’ll love, visit the display at the Millis Public Library circulation desk.