Breast in Show Breaks Their Own Record!

Bella Caggiano
Issue Date: 
December, 2017
Article Body: 

A special shout out goes to the volunteers who participated in the 5th Annual Breast in Show walk this year! On October 22, the streets of Norwood were lined with signature pink as 83 walkers (and their four-legged friends) took to the Norwood streets to join the fight against breast cancer. Each year, the group shoots for their $5,000 goal, but the generosity of Norwood residents continues to impress as the event surpassed previous years raising $5,368 for breast cancer research.
An added bonus to the walk was a raffle with items donated by the following businesses: Collar by Cody's Creations / Autographed copy of "Watching out for Digger" by Cathy Symons / Animal Chiropractic Adjustment by Chiropractic Health Care Services / Scarves, Blanket, Dog Sweaters by Kathy Collins and Jean Pritchard / Large and Small Dog toy/treat baskets, Dog treats by JM Brady Company / Gift bag by Butterfly Tree Boutique / Doterra Essential Oils
In true Norwood style, the entire local community contributed to the cause, including The Soggie Doggie, who organizes and sponsors the event each year, Olivio's offering a pizza party to conclude the event, and Beth Alicia Photography documenting the day with photos.