In the rush of high school life with a focus on quizzes, tests, and preparation for college, it can often be difficult to find time to discuss the importance of financial literacy in the professional world. Luckily for the Junior and Senior classes of Hopedale High School, Mrs. Talitha Oliveri and the DECA club sponsored the FinFit Fair.
On December 8th, students filed into the Hopedale Gymnasium and were given folders containing name tags and personalized packets. Each packet described the students assigned occupation, salary, credit score, checking and savings account balance, and credit card debt. After some opening remarks from Superintendent Karen Crebase and State Representative Brian Murray about the value of financial decisions and the journey as young adults that the students are about to embark on, they were set free to experience the fair.
Twenty total booths covered everything, ranging from health and auto insurance to basic necessities such as meal plans and clothing. Students were free to make whatever decisions they liked with their set budget as they built a life for themselves. The goal of the fair was to visit each booth, select from a variety of options pertaining to each category such as furniture sets or cell phones, and check off with the booth advisor, all while attempting to stay within the confines of their budget.
Each booth advisor would also provide students with advice along the way, whether it came from their own personal financial experiences or their career pertained to the booth’s topic itself. This combined with a closing statement and review by the head of the DECA club, Mrs. Talitha Oliveri made sure to hammer home the importance of not only safe and practical spending and saving but expose the students to the reality of the professional and independent world they will soon be a part of.
The lessons learned at this fair will prove to be invaluable to all the student participants in the years to come. As budding adults, most ready to leave for college and begin their path towards their career, financial literacy and an understanding of the implications of things like a credit score and debt. The possibilities and values of this knowledge provided generously by the Hopedale DECA club, Mrs. Oliveri, and all the adult volunteers who gave their time to impact the lives of each and every student.
Issue Date:
January, 2018
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