Allie Smith, a Key Component in Medway –Ashland Girls’ Hockey

Christopher Tremblay
Captain Allie Smith, of Millis, shows a commitment to her sport in Medway-Ashland Girls’ Hockey, and she hopes to instill that love and commitment in younger players.
Issue Date: 
March, 2018
Article Body: 

Initially, it was her father and older brother Ryan who had gotten Millis’ Allie Smith interested in ice hockey. After attending family games, she soon decided that it was time for her to pick up a stick, lace up the skates and take to the ice. Smith began playing hockey at the age of five in Medfield before moving on three years later to join the Minuteman Flames, a Marlboro club team.
Four years ago, as she entered Millis High School she decided to try out for the girl’s hockey team. Millis along with Medway, Ashland and Holliston play together as a co-op team under the name of Medway-Ashland. Not only was it difficult to go to another town to try out for the team, Smith found out that she was the only Millis athlete making the journey.
“It was a scary thought not knowing if I would fit in,” she said. “I didn’t know anyone, but as soon as I walked into the locker room I found that it was nothing like what I expected. I was immediately taken in as a member of the team.”
While shew quickly felt at home with the Medway-Ashland team Smith did find practices a challenge.
“We practice late at night in Marlboro, and it can be a struggle at times,” the Medway-Ashland defender said. “You get home from school and do your homework right away. Since practice is so late, you find yourself getting home after midnight and don’t get too much sleep; it’s something that you have to work around if you want to play this sport.”
Ever since she took to the ice, she has found herself playing inside the blue-line as a defenseman. Smith believes she was drawn to the position as she was not one of the fastest skaters on the ice, but did have a sense for the game and could not only see the ice, but could also see the plays developing better at her position.
As a four-year player for Medway-Ashland, this Millis defender is a key component to the team, says Coach Kurt Carter.
“Allie’s not your typical stud defender, but she does bring a lot to the game. She’s the core of this team; the one that holds the defense together,” the coach said. “She has a fantastic work ethic, and her commitment and passion for the game are noticeable. As one of the captains on this year’s team, she does her best to get the girls motivated and get them going for a game. She is a true leader.”
Smith knows that her role as a team captain is important, and her lead by example attitude is her mainstay.
“I’m looking for the other girls to follow me and put in the time and effort to make this team better,” she said. “I want this team to push forward, and as a captain I’ve accepted the new girls coming in the way I was welcomed. I want this team to be ready to step up and fill the shoes of the seniors who left and take this program to the next level.”
Through her first three years playing for Medway-Ashland the team has gone a combined 33-17-10 with four Division 2 tournament victories under Carter, a coach who believes in his team.
“I came into the game with my shot being my biggest issue and no real upper body strength. I did have an IQ of the game and could read the plays developing and respond to them in the proper fashion,” Smith said. “Coach Carter has been a big part of my improvement over the years. He pushes you to find your biggest asset and then helps you develop it.”
Although the team has only won a handful of tournament games Smith is hoping that she can be a good leader to the other girls on the team and help them in any way she can. The four-year athlete would also like to see this team continue with the success they’ve had over the past three seasons while enjoying and playing a sport they love.
