Ashland’s Business Scene

Cynthia Whitty
Last year’s ABA scholarship winners were Shane Leary and Madeline Graves. Deadline for this year’s scholarship application is March 31. (Photo/Cynthia Whitty)
Issue Date: 
April, 2018
Article Body: 

The Ashland Business Association (ABA) will hold a business networking social with Needham Bank, 41 Front St., from 5 to 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 3. Beer, wine and hors d’oeuvres will be provided by Stone’s Public House. RSVP to ABA Membership Coordinator Denise Conti,, 781-247-6891.
The ABA is planning its first-ever membership buffet dinner on May 1, 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the Ashland VFW, 311 Pleasant St. The guest speaker will be Jen Maseda, executive director of the Metrowest Conference for Women. Attendees will learn how the ABA can help their business and meet ABA members. Needham Bank has donated Red Sox game tickets for the May 14 Oakland game. The cost is $10 per person, or free admission for any potential member who attends with a current member. For details and to RSVP (deadline is April 25), contact, 508-259-5161.
ABA Scholarships
Each year the ABA provides two $1,500-scholarships to Ashland high school seniors who exemplify community and business spirit, work ethics and creativity. The ABA has even implemented some of the ideas, like a social media internship program, suggested by students.
Last year’s winners were Madeline Graves and Shane Leary. After creating her own photography business in high school and spending summers in Mississippi doing service work, Graves now attends the University of Maryland. Leary worked extensively locally and actively participated in community service projects at his church. He is a student at the University of New Hampshire, studying business administration and sports management.
Scholarship applications, due by midnight, Saturday, March 31, may be downloaded here,
Anyone interested in supporting this program may send a contribution by May 11 to: ABA, P.O. Box 510, Ashland, MA 01721. Donors are recognized in ABA print and online materials and at June graduation.