MIL Stitchers, Morse Institute Library, Natick.

Morse Institute Library Stitchers (MIL Stitchers) is a service oriented knitting and crocheting group that meets the first Saturday of the month working collaboratively to create handmade items for various nonprofit organizations. Projects include hats and scarves for the Natick Service Council, American Heart Association’s “Little Hats, Big Hearts”, tree ornaments for the Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s Festival of Trees, knitted and crochet prosthetics for breast cancer patients at the Vernon Cancer Center plus many more. We also do out of the box projects participating in Natick Nights and “yarn storming” townhall. If you love fun while you stitch, this is the group for you! For more information contact Karen at 508-647-6520 or Fran at
Saturday, June 2, 2018 - 11:00am to 1:00pm