Medway Annual Christmas Parade in Its 26th Year

J.D. O’Gara
Issue Date: 
November, 2018
Article Body: 

The 26th Medway Christmas Parade will march in the Christmas season at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 24th. The parade begins at Medway Middle School on Holliston Street, proceeding around the corner to Main Street, up to Choate Park.
Medway Christmas Parade organizer Richard Parrella explains calls the event a “wonderful Medway tradition. The event draws a crowd of about 6,000 each year. The event, says Parrella is a way to “offer everyone good health, prosperity and peace, regardless of race, gender, nationality, religion” in the Christmas season.
Medway Town Administrator Michael Boynton reaches out each year to neighboring communities’ fire officials, resulting in a grand show of fire apparatus. Past parades have seen an array of over 40 fire vehicles, including antique models, with unique prizes for the best decorated, best lit and more. Parade organizer Parrella says the fire truck parade has become an event in itself among the firefighting crowd, with towns from other states even taking part at times.
Each year, Mickey Rojee and family donate a number of floats, with Santa riding in on the final float. Car enthusiasts are invited to bring their vehicles and join in, meeting at Middle School at 5 p.m. Parrella suggests reaching out to the Medway Christmas Parade Committee in advance if interested in joining in.
Following the parade, a tree lighting and presentation of Grand Marshalls will take place at Choate Park, followed by Visits with Santa. Paul DeSimone has been named the 2018 Christmas Parade Grand Marshall. Santa will visit with local children at the Thayer House, where parents can take their own photos.
There is no charge for parents to take pictures of their children with Santa, but concessions will be available for sale, and donations are always welcome.
Parrella once again notes that the Medway Christmas Parade is 100% privately funded by individuals and businesses. He cannot say enough about several major sponsors, by far, he says, The parade costs about $11,000, and over half paying for the fireworks over Choate Pond, provided by American Thunder Fireworks.
In addition to major business sponsors, the town-wide yard sale, which benefits the Medway Christmas Parade saw over 100 participants this year, with proceeds exceeding that of last year.
Parrella says he would love to see more individuals chip in to keep the parade happening. The Medway Christmas Parade committee will have cash canisters located around town, including Town Hall, and donations are graciously accepted. There’s also a link online at You can also mail a donation to the Medway Christmas Parade at:

Medway Christmas Parade Committee
c/o 36 Alder Street
Medway, MA 02053