Enjoying the Holidays in Ashland

Cynthia Whitty
Illuminate Downtown Ashland will highlight the arts on Dec. 8. (Photo/supplied)
Issue Date: 
December, 2018
Article Body: 

There will be a number of activities and places to enjoy the holidays in Ashland, thanks to many local businesses, organizations and the town. Here are a few activities and dates to remember.
Holiday Tree Lighting, Saturday, Dec. 1, 5pm to 8pm
Santa arrives by fire truck at 5:30 p.m. in Montenegro Square, Front Street, across from the library. A holiday choir will sing carols, Needham Bank will give out hot cocoa and cookies, and local businesses will have booths and activities. Free for all ages. Over 400 people came out last year to meet Santa. Sponsored by the Ashland Day Committee and the Ashland Economic Development Advisory Group.
Winter Wonderland Party, Saturday, Dec. 8, 12 to 2 pm
Join the Greater Ashland Lions for a fun event to celebrate the season! The Lions will have an Italian luncheon buffet for all ages at the Ashland VFW, 311 Pleasant St., catered by Marconi’s. Fun activities for kids include a magician, face painting, balloon animals and crafts. The cost is $10 per person; $35 for a family of four; kids under 2 are free. RSVP by Dec. 1 to Ellie at ellie43@aol.com.
Illuminate Downtown Ashland, Saturday, Dec. 8, 4:30 to 7:30 pm
Annemarie’s Dance Centre has partnered with Arts! Ashland Alliance and the town of Ashland to shine a light on the town’s thriving arts community. On Saturday, Dec. 8, a downtown area walking path will take participants through spaces that will host local talent. The spaces will be lit with beautiful luminaries created by students, community members and businesses. The event will bring families to the downtown area, display the vital role the arts play in our community, and create an atmosphere of beauty and peace around the holiday season. This is a free event for friends and families. Food and drink may be available for purchase at some of the stops. Leave your car behind while you experience the magic of the season, the beauty of the luminaries, and the importance of the arts in Ashland.
“The goal of this event is to bring our community together through the use and appreciation of art. We will have local musicians, a harpist, dancers, and hands-on art projects for children,” Chrissy Reynolds, owner and director of Annemarie’s Dance Centre, said.
Participating locations include The Corner Spot, The Bagel Table, Ashland Historical Society, Ashland Reiki and Wellness, WAITT-We’re All in this Together, Ashland Public Library, Needham Bank, Town Hall, Annemarie’s Dance Centre and Ashland Community Gardens. A detailed map of the event will be available on the night of the event and on Annemarie’s Dance Centre website, www.annemariesdance.org/illuminate-ashland.
Light It Up Ashland, The Corner Spot, throughout December
Walk at a maze of 30 trees, decorated by local businesses and nonprofit organizations, during the month of December at the Corner Spot, 6 Cherry St. The most creative tree will win a prize and bragging rights! Sponsored by the Ashland Economic Development Advisory Group.