Holliston Garden Club Arbor Day Ceremony

The Holliston Garden Club will host an Arbor Day ceremony to celebrate trees on Friday, April 24, 2015, at 1:00 PM at the Cross Street Trailhead of the Holliston Rail Trail. The Rail Trail committee is planting a tree of their choice at this site, funded by a donation from the Holliston Garden Club. The Garden Club members will conduct a short celebration with a talk by Barbara Briggs of Tree Specialists. Club members will speak about Arbor Day and lead us in a song, as well as read a tree poem. There will be cookies and beverages afterward. This event is open to the public. To find the trail head, turn south off of Rt.16 onto Cross Street in Holliston, which adjoins the Village Auto gas station. The trailhead is immediately ahead of you. In addition, the Holliston Library will have an Arbor Day display created by garden club members. Its theme is ‘Successful Tree Growing in Holliston’. Informative handouts will be available with the display for two weeks, beginning April 11th.
Friday, April 24, 2015 - 1:00pm