Revolutionary Life-Saving School Safety Technology Now Live In Medway Public Schools!

Issue Date: 
February, 2019
Article Body: 

Medway Public School officials along with Medway law enforcement officials recently started working with Boston-based, In Force Technology, LLC to install their life-saving school safety technology, IN FORCE911, in all of Medway Public School District. INFORCE911 is a desktop and mobile application which significantly reduces police response time to a critical event at a school and addresses the communication barrier which exists during active shooting situations.
The software application empowers school staff with the means to launch an alert in 12-seconds or less from their desktop or mobile device, rather than minutes, with the current 911 system. The alert will be sent directly to the dispatch center, police cruisers and cell phones of officers with specific information, including the room of origin. Additionally, it opens a two-way chat dialogue, in real-time, allowing staff to communicate details of the threat to first responders. Moreover, first responders are provided access to Floor Plans, IP-based camera feeds and other emergency detailed information to help them plan the best course of action.
The product’s presence spans the Commonwealth, exceeding 60 communities and maintains a presence nationally in 13 states, including New Hampshire and, most notably, the New Hampshire State Police. Several communities in the metro-Boston area have also signed up, including most recently Arlington. To date, the city of Worcester has deployed the technology in most of its public schools, with the intentions of adding more next year. IN FORCE911 has already been featured on news outlets such as WBZ Boston, 7 News Boston, Fox 25 Boston, Boston Herald Radio, ABC Portland Maine, Delmarva Now, Western Mass News, South Coast Today, as well as other local news outlets in Maine and Virginia.
With Parkland and Santa Fe’s events earlier this year and 22 school shootings so far, this one-of-a-kind technology works to significantly aid in the school shooting epidemic this country is increasingly experiencing. There is a need to be preemptive and proactive in our approach to school safety.
“We recognize the need to reduce police response time to mitigate the loss of lives during a crisis. We also know that increasing communication between those experiencing the threat and law enforcement can dramatically shorten the duration of the attack”, said In Force Technology President & CEO, Brandon Flanagan.
Through implementing this school safety software in their public school district and police department, the Town of Medway hopes to empower its school faculty and students while working to save lives during an act of violence. After all, time equals lives, and every second counts during an emergency situation.